Indulge in the elegance of this striking floral bouquet, featuring a harmonious blend of sunflowers, yellow mums, and carnations. The sunflowers are the focal point of this arrangement, with their majestic yellow blooms and dark centers, they bring a touch of luxury and grandeur. The yellow mums and carnations add depth and dimension to the bouquet, with their delicate petals and soft hues. The bouquet is carefully arranged by a skilled florist and is perfect for any occasion, whether it be as a gift or a centerpiece, this bouquet exudes class and refinement. It's a luxurious way to express your love and appreciation.
Item Inclusion:
Round Bouquet
2 Stems of Sunflower
2 Stems of Yellow Mums
5 Stems of Yellow Carnations
Complimented with Kamuning and additional foliage.
In Custom Yellow VS Wrapper and Variety of Ribbons
Product Size: Approximately 20 Inches in Length x 13 Inches in Diameter